Imagine if you had to pay for oxygen
You walk into Tescos and you buy some Chocolate and Coca-Cola, when you go to the Self-Service till, you see a charge for £589.99 and it’s going up. This charge is in addition to the £3.45 worth of Chocolate and Coca-cola. You see the product name next to the charge: “Oxygen”.
If this actually happened - I think we would all be bankrupt and no-one would have any money what so ever, and plus I wouldn’t even get any Coca-cola or chocolate :( sad days.
But if petrol prices and energy prices keep going up, I may have to start using poop (the methane it produces) to start powering my house hehehe, well it’s free at least. Plus, you never run out of the stuff ahaha.
Okay, this is definitely the most bullsh*tty idea I have had in a looooooooong time - trust me there. For example, when I was younger I used to have weird ideas about food and I had once put ham, cucumber and milk together (I had puked for a while after that), so we all know now - Don’t eat ham, cucumber and don’t mix it with milk at the same time ahaha. Why am I still writing? Lol.
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